Perfume Picker App
- React-Native
- Firebase
- TailwindCSS (RN)
- Express
- Expo
- Android Studio
- React-Native-Elements
Mobile App built with React-Native. Let's users log in with Google. Users are able to search for perfumes and build their collection which is stored on firebase. They can use the random perfume picker and also keep track of how many times they have worn a perfume. The back end is Vercel Cloud functions that scrape for data with Puppeteer.
Social Media App
- React-Native
- React-Native-Elements
- Expo
- TailwindCSS
- Firebase
Fully functional Instagram-like App built with React-Native. Allows users to log in with Google. Once authenticated they can create posts, comment, like, create open chat rooms, update their profile and more. Using Firebase Firestore to store data and Firebase Storage to store images.
about me
My name is Ivaylo and I am a Software Engineer based in London.
Currently I'm working at SpaceNK where I help build frontend and backend features for the SpaceNK website using Node.js, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS & more.
I also have experience building projects with lots of up-to-date technologies such as React, Next.js TailwindCSS and more.